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Prayer Launch for A Lady of Esteem


Next Tuesday, A Lady of Esteem will be made available. As thrilled as I am to be sharing the love story of Amelia and Anthony with the world, I am more hopeful that God will use their story to touch someone's life.

This Sunday, I want to invite you to pray with me. My church always has a time of invitation, where people can come and pray at the altar during the service. This is when I will be lifting up a special prayer, dedicating this book and everything I do with it to the glory of God.

I'd love for you to join me. If you attend church with me you may join me at the altar if you wish or if your church has a similar opportunity, feel free to use it. Remember though that God does not require such a thing. He will hear you wherever you happen to be.

Here are the things I will be praying for. You may lift up these requests or add your own. If you know particular people that might be touched by this story, don't be afraid to pray for them by name.

I will be asking God for:

- a smooth release, free of technical difficulties and delays

- the story to plant a seed in someone's life, making them consider something about God they never thought of before

- my own strength and faith in the face of those who will attack the book for having a Christian message and world view.

- the story to encourage someone walking a path similar to those the characters travel.

Thank you for joining me in this. It is arguably the most important part of the launch.

Photo Credit: David Castillo Dominici via

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