A New Interview on a Brand New Blog
I'm the inaugural author interview over on Kat's Corner Books Blog! That's quite an honor. We're talking An Uncommon Courtship, pets, and...
Interview on Reading is My Superpower.org
I'm hanging out with Carrie Booth Schmidt! Aside from talking about An Uncommon Courtship, I'm answering questions about books and book...
An Interview with Relz
Rel and I talk about the important things in like. Like fruit, childhood memories, and my book writing habits. Sound good to you? Check...
Go Your Own Way, or Better Yet, God's Way ~ An Uncommon Courtship Dig Deeper Devotional
When I was in elementary school, I wanted so badly to be cool and trendy and fit in with the emerging popular crowd. It was the time when...
Love is a Verb. And a Choice ~ An Uncommon Courtship Dig Deeper Devotional
During my awkward and at times unfortunately unforgettable teenage years, DC Talk hit the scene. When my youth group would go to camp or...
I am an Author (Guest post on Just Commonly)
When AN UNCOMMON COURTSHIP hit the shelves last week, I had a moment of intense revelation. A thought occurred to me that had previously...