Scapulae and Bible Study
Let me tell you a story about this workout series I'm doing. It involves downward dog, shoulder blades, and maturing in Biblical theology.
I'm a Recording Artist!
When I was in high school, I had dreams of becoming a recording artist. I loved singing, loved the idea of writing songs, and the life of...
Healing Hurt Relationships ~ Life Lessons From My Finger
About a month ago, I slammed my finger in my car door. Yes, that is the kind of immense talent that I have. I can slam my own finger in...
Celebrating the Unexpected Milestones
One of the drawbacks to big dreams is that the journey to achieve them can be dishearteningly long. When I signed my contract with...
Are You Too Rushed to Discover?
This is the amazing and majestic Ruby Falls in Chattanooga, Tennessee. (Photo credit to my brother.) It was discovered by accident, the...
Hard Work and Haircuts
LIke many a mom, particularly those that spend the bulk of their time in the house or behind the wheel of a mini-van, I tend to neglect...